通过对不同目录中固原1306年和1622年两次地震的地震参数进行对比和查阅历史资料,结合实地考察,发现了朝那湫和马刚堡两处地震遗址。综合历史资料记载和对遗址的考察研究认为:1306年固原地震的震中应为35.9°N,106.3°E; 1622年固原地震的震中应该在36.5°N以南。
[Key word]
The comparison of the seismic parameters of earthquakes in 1306 and 1622 in Guyuan in different directories and the references to historical data, combined with the field survey, reveal the two earthquake sites of Chaonaqiu and Magangpu. The comprehensive analysis of the historical data and the site investigation help draw the conclusion that that the epicenter of Guyuan in 1306 should be 35.9o N, 106.3o E and the epicenter of Guyuan in 1622 should be in 36.5oN south.