对首都圈地区涞水台等Sacks 体应变与同井水位数字化分钟值观测数据进行对比研究,发现在雷暴时段二者潮汐观测曲线会发生同步显著畸变异常。经小波分析、回归分析和功率谱分析,并与气压资料比对,证实这是由于雷暴引发了气压瞬间突变而产生的干扰,其幅值比背景值分别高近8 倍和11 倍,这种现象主要集中在雷雨季节的6~8 月。进一步研究了周期气压波对体应变与井水位的影响规律和机制,并将雷暴日与无雷日气压对体应变和井水位的影响系数曲线进行了比较,总结了它们之间的差异和特征。
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The paper studies Sacks volume strains with the same well water-level observation data of digital minute values at Laishui stations in the Capital Circle Region. It is found that both tidal curve in thunderstorm periods have simultaneously significant distortion abnormal. The analyses of wavelet,regression and power spectral in comparison with the pressure data confirm that this was an interference due to a pressure instantaneous mutation triggered by thunderstorms. The value is about 8 times and 11 times higher than the background value. This phenomenon mainly occurs in the thunderstorm season from June to August. It also studies the laws and mechanisms of the cycle pressure wave affection on the volume strain and well water level. The coefficient curves between thunderstorm days and non-thunderstorm days are compared in terms of air pressure on the volume strain and well water level and their variations and features are summarized.