分布在太行山东麓的新生代断裂,主要有早第三纪NE 向保定-石家庄断裂带、太行山南端的新生代NNE 向汤东、汤西断裂带,均为倾滑兼右旋走滑断裂。前者经人工地震探查为白垩纪-渐新世早期形成的断裂,之后,在地层中未发现明显的活动记录。后者形成于始新世-第四纪,由错列的汤东、汤西断裂组成,作右阶排列。在断裂间出现反向调节性凸起带———NNE 向大赉店凸起。需特别强调的是,汤东、汤西断裂带活动性很强。而在石家庄-安阳间的山前地带不存在大尺度的新生代断裂,构造上为太行隆起的东斜坡带。
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Genozoic faults in the east of Taihang mountains are mainly dominated by early Paleogene NE Baoding-Shijiazhuang fault,Genozoic NNE Tangdong and Tangxi faults in the South Tip of Taihang mountains. They are characterized by dip-slip and dextral displacement movement. The former is thought as Cretaceous-early Oligocene faults by artificial seismic exploration and no evident action in stratums. The latter formed in Eocene-Quaternary and it is composed by stagger Tangdong and Tangxi faults,right-stepping en echelon. Reverse regulatory uplift belt appears in faults,which is NNE Dalaidian uplift. It should be noted that fault activity is intensive in the Tangdong and Tangxi faults. Large-scale genozoic faults do not exist in Shijiazhuang-Anyang piedmont. It is the eastern slope zone of Taihang mountains uplift.