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In this paper, a preliminary study of the causes of the earthquake clustering in Rongchang, especially since 2008, was made by relocating earthquakes and analyzing the data of fluid injection in this area. First, 131 records (from 2007 to June 2011) of teleseismic events at Rongchang station were used to extract receiver function, and the Moho depth and S-wave velocity structure beneath this station were estimated by using H-Kappa stacking method and linear inversion method, respectively. Then, hypoDD was applied to relocate the earthquakes in this region, with the velocity model obtained from receiver function inversion. The result shows that, the distribution of the epicenters is consistent with the strike of the Huayinshan fault; the profile across the )144.7 earthquake 2010 and perpendicular to the strike of Huayinshan fault illustrates the seismogenic structure dip to SE, the angle is about 70~, which is in accordance with the attitude of the Huayinshan fault. Lastly, neither the large separation between fluid injection well and ccntroid of earthquake sequence nor unclear connection between fluid injection rate and earthquake frequency supports the induced seismicity hypothesis.[著者文摘]