采用甘肃测震台网“十五”宽频带数字地震记录资料,选取自2009 年1 月~ 2012 年12 月所记录的13086 次地震事件,通过震级残差统计方法计算了各台站单台震级与台网平均震级的偏差、平均偏差和标准偏差,分析了震级偏差频次分布和定量统计,修正了ML量规函数,得到了代表甘肃地区的地方性均匀震级量规函数。
[Key word]
To calculate the deviations between single station magnitudes and average ones by the magnitude of residual statistical methods,it selects 13086 seismic events recorded on Gansu broadband digital seismic network from January 2009 to December 2012. The magnitude deviations of earthquake are analyzed on the frequency distribution and quantitative statistics. ML calibration function was modified in order to obtain the local uniform magnitude system for Gansu region.
中国地震局兰州地震研究所科技发展基金面上项目(2011M03 )、中国地震局2012 年度测震台网青年骨干培养专项(20120106)共同资助