通过对比研究发现,2008 年汶川8. 0 级和2011 年日本9. 0 级地震时甘肃境内台站井水位和井水温同震效应特征有明显差异:汶川8. 0 级地震时,绝大部分井水位和井水温都记录到同震效应,且变化幅度比较大,持续时间比较长;相比而言,日本9. 0 级地震虽然释放的能量更大,但因震中距和震源方位的影响,只有部分井水位记录到明显的同震变化,井水温没有明显变化;两次地震时古浪观测站井水位都记录到井水位变化,但日本9. 0 级地震时的变化幅度大于汶川8. 0 级地震,这一现象值得深入研究。
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Comparative study of the coseismic effects of well water level and well water temperature at the Gansu seismic stations finds that there are many obvious differences between the Wenchuan MS8. 0 earthquake in 2008 and the Japan MS9. 0 earthquake in 2009. The majority of well water level and well water temperature recorded the coseismic effect after Wenchuan earthquake with larger magnitude and longer duration. Despite the release of larger energy by the Janpan earthquake,only a few well water level recorded the coseismic change with little change in well water temperature,which were affected by the epicentral distance and focal orientation,Well water level in Gulang station recorded the change after the two earthquakes,with a larger magnitude after Japan earthquake than after the Wenchuan earthquake. The phenomenon is worthy of further study.
中国地震局地壳应力研究所基本科研专项( ZDJ2011-08;ZDJ2011-08)资助