山西祁县井水温潮汐相位超前于水位,异于正常的水温和水位潮汐的动态关系。本文介绍了此现象的记录图像,通过水温和水位同震响应数据核实仪器时间系统,证实此现象是客观的; 利用调和分析方法计算出逐月水温与水位潮汐变化的时间差,表明此现象存在于整个观测中。根据水温和水位潮汐相位相关性分析及观测条件调查,认为祁县井水温潮汐相位超前于水位的现象是在特定观测条件下,因井水流动不畅引起的特殊的水温水位关系。
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The abnormal phenomenon that water temperature tidal phase ahead of water level in the wells of Qixian,Shanxi,has been studied. We first checked the instrument's time system, using water temperature and water level changes in response to some big earthquakes. Then we calculated the phase lags between water temperature and water level through harmonic analysis. The result shows that water temperature tidal phase ahead of water level is objective and this phenomenon exists in all the recording history. It also shows that the water temperature changes are caused by water level changes,since they have the same rhythm of phase lag variations over time. By surveying the observation conditions,the study reveals that the fact that water flow is not smooth in the wells is the reason for the abnormal phenomenon.
[项目类别]“十二五”国家科技支撑项目( 2012BAK19B02-04) 资助