利用1991 ~ 2004 年间的GPS 资料和最小二乘配置方法计算了中国大陆现今地壳变形及其动态变化,结果表明,1991 ~ 2004 年间中国大陆整体运动特征变化不大;西部特别是青藏高原及川滇地区应变速率存在显著高值;不同期的GPS 资料显示地壳的动态变化与区域强震活动相关,如2004 年的GPS 资料明显指示出2001 年昆仑山口西MS8. 1 地震的震后变形特征。
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Based on the GPS data in 1991 ~ 2004 and the least-squares collocation method,we analyze the crustal deformation in Chinese mainland. The results show that the first-order crustal deformation is unchanged in different periods in Chinese mainland. It reflects the background of regional tectonic activity. The strain rate is much higher in the Western China,especially in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan-Yunnan area. The variations in different periods are affected by seismicity in the same time. The GPS data after 2004 show the post-seismic deformation of 2001 Kunlun Mountains M8. 1 earthquake.