系统收集、整理了彝良“9·07”MS5. 7、5. 6 地震造成的81 名震亡者的资料,分析研究了本次地震震亡人员的特征和原因。结果表明:彝良地震震亡人数多且空间分布极不均衡;壮年劳动力人口震亡人数和占震亡总数的百分比较高,震亡人员均为农村户口;其中外地户口震亡人数超过当地户口震亡人数,男性震亡人口总数和相对震亡率远高于女性,震亡人员以汉族为主但少数民族相对震亡率较高。次生地质灾害严重、房屋抗震能力差、人口密度高、震害叠加、经济发展水平低等是该震造成较多人员死亡的重要原因;山体滑坡次生地质灾害是造成震亡人员多的最直接原因,滑坡砸死的人数超过总震亡数的74. 07% ;灾区矿点密集、采矿方式粗放、采矿人员地震逃生意识欠缺、逃生能力差等是该次地震人员死亡的突显特征。
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We collected the data of the casualties by the Yiliang MS5. 7 and MS5. 6 earthquakes on September 7,2012 to analyze the characteristics and the causes of the earthquake-caused death. We found that in the earthquake-stricken area,the earthquake death toll was high but irregularly-distributed. The earthquake death toll of strong laborers was high. All of the victims were from the countryside,and the outlander victim were more than the local ones. The male victims were more than the female and accounted for a relatively-higher death rate. The Han victims were predominant,but the ones from other ethnic groups accounted for a relatively-higher death rate. The following factors such as the serious secondary geological disasters,poor aseismic performance of buildings,high population density,accumulation of earthquake damages and low level of economic development resulted in the heavy casualties. Mountain landslide caused by the two earthquakes directly caused the casualties. The casualties caused by mountain landslide exceed 74. 07% of the host population. Dense mining sites,raw mining method,miners’poor safety-awareness,and weak ability to escape from the unexpected incidents were the special causes. The causes we found can be helpful for the earthquake disaster reduction and the economic and social development in the rural areas in China.
地震行业科研专项“中国地震应急救援的区域差异性分析(201208018 )”、地震行业科研专项“西南地震应急对策新模式与关键技术研究(201108013)”联合资助