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Earthquake clusterings in both space and time have various forms. Two typical examples are the foreshock sequences and earthquake swarms. Based on the analysis of 8 foreshock sequences in Chinese mainland during 1966 ~ 1996,this study concentrates on the pattern characteristics of foreshock sequences. The following pattern characteristics of foreshock sequences have been found: ( 1 ) The epicenters of foreshock sequences were densely concentrated in space. (2) The focal mechanisms of foreshocks were similar to that of the main shock. Such consistency of focal mechanisms with main shocks did not exist in aftershock series as well as in several earthquake swarms. (3) We found no case in Chinese mainland during the past 30 years that a main shock was preceded by an earthquake clustering with inconsistent focal mechanisms. Finally,we found 5% of the main shocks in Chinese mainland were preceded by foreshock sequences.
国家自然科学基金(59574203)、地震联合基金(95070437 )共同资助;本文是作者1990年代的研究成果,原文发表在Pure Appl Geophys (1999 年第155 卷第395~408页)。现以中文发表,供地震分析预测研究人员参考。