辽宁省盖州地区自2012 年2 月2 日开始发生了多次4 级地震的震群活动。震群位于北东向的金州断裂北端和北东向海城-营口断裂南端,震群序列整体上呈北西向,即盖州震群并不是发生在北东向的金州断裂北端,很可能发生在金州断裂和海城-营口断裂之间的北西西向构造上。为考察此问题,利用2012 年以来辽宁台网盖州地区的地震观测报告,采用双差定位的方法,给出这个地区的小震精定位结果,结果显示盖州震群的确沿北西向分布,且有随时间向北西向展布的态势。且震源深度逐渐变浅。分析认为盖州震群是发生在金州断裂和海城-营口断裂之间的北西向断层上。
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There was a ML4. 0 earthquake swarm since February 2,2012 in the Gaizhou area. The Gaizhou ML4. 0 earthquake swarm was located on the northern Jinzhou fault and the southern part of Haicheng-Yingkou fault. The overall earthquake distribution was in the northwest direction. We used the earthquake observation reports recorded by the Liaoning seismic stations during the period February 2012 ~ September 2013,and with the double difference location method,obtained the earthquake location of Gaizhou earthquake swarm. The result of earthquake location showed the earthquake swarm distributed along the NW-trending,indeed. As the earthquake swarm developed,the depth of earthquakes became shallower. Analysis showed the Gaizhou earthquake swarm occurred in a new NW-trending faults between on the Jinzhou fault and Haicheng-Yingkou fault.