选取2008年1月~2015 年11月内蒙古测震台网81个台站所记录的6342次地震事件,基于震级残差统计方法,计算了81个台站单台震级与台网平均震级的偏差、平均偏差和标准偏差。分析认为,BHS等6个台站震级偏差较大的原因可能是台站场地响应放大、台基风化等。台基校正前、后单台震级平均偏差值ΔMLi随震中距的变化曲线显示,曲线形态基本未有大的改变,台基校正后较之前震级平均偏差绝对值降低0.01,表明台基对地方性震级偏差的影响不大。同时,进行了81个台站的台基校正获得了内蒙古新量规函数,结果表明,全国量规函数除了震中距为0~120km时适合于内蒙古地区以外,其余情况下均偏高,不符合内蒙古地区的特征。因此,本文修定了全国量规函数,得到了校正后的内蒙古地区量规函数。
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To calculate the deviations between single station magnitudes and average ones by the magnitude of residual statistical methods,the paper selected 13086 seismic events recorded on Inner Mongolia Broadband Digital Seismic Network from January 2008 to November 2015. 6 stations have no deviations and 6 stations have bigger magnitudes caused by site response,weathering and other factors. The station magnitude derivation curve does not change obviously before and after site correction. The average magnitude deviation between these events shows a normal distribution. The magnitude deviation curve along with the epicentral distance is deviating from the zero line. The magnitude deviations of the earthquakes are analyzed on the frequency distribution and quantitative statistics. The China calibration function is suitable for the Inner Mongolia region when the epicentral distance is equal or less than 120km,and the magnitude is higher in other conditions. After site correction of 81 stations,ML calibration function is modified and the new Inner Mongolia region calibration function is obtained.