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We selected the records of 7,412 earthquake data from more than 10 seismic stations during 2009~2014 in the Yunnan region and turned them into a travel time curve. Meanwhile to improve the precision,we focused on the 83 earthquake data with ML>3.0 from the stations with over 80% of the records. We then do the linear analysis,the travel time curve and the interval stability analysis,and combined with the previous research results obtained the initial crustal velocity model of the study area. The results of the Hyposat batch determination of 200 earthquakes over M3.0 and the stratified velocity fitting of the S wave were searched to obtain the crustal velocity model in Yunnan Province,that is,the 2015 Yunnan model:vP1=6.01km/s and vP2=6.60km/s, vPn=7.89km/s, H1=20km, H2=21km,vS1=3.52km/s, vS2=3.86km/s, vSn=4.43km/s. Seismic relocation analysis based on the new model shows that most of the earthquake events in Yunnan region occur in the upper crust within 20km. The typical seismic relocation of March 10,2011 Yingjiang M5.8 and August 03,2014 Ludian M6.5 are close to their focal strong earthquake stations respectively. The results show that the new one-dimensional velocity model can better reflect the average velocity structure in the study area.