Abstract:Based on the observation data of 2602 seismic events recorded by the Digital Seismic Networks of Jiangsu and its adjacent areas from 2009 to 2018,the deviation between the single magnitude of 72 stations and the mean magnitude of the networks,mean deviation and standard deviation were calculated by using the statistical method of magnitude residual. The magnitude deviations of earthquakes are analyzed on the frequency distribution and quantitative statistics. Furthermore,we obtain the representative calibration function in Jiangsu Province and its adjacent areas. The results of actual local earthquake magnitude measurement show that the standard deviation of magnitude determined by the calibrated calibration function is smaller than that determined by the calibration function in the National Magnitude Standard of China(GB17740-2017),and the residual magnitude of a single station is relatively more concentrated at 0,which indicates that the calibrated calibration function is helpful to improve the accuracy of local earthquake magnitude measurement in Jiangsu and its adjacent areas.