本文介绍了中国大陆构造环境监测网络(陆态网络)2010~2018年4次绝对重力仪比测的成果,4期系统偏差最大值分别为3.5μGal、1.7μGal、4.3μGal和3.8μGal (1μGal=10-8m/s2),仪器互差分别为0~5.5μGal、0.3~3.2μGal、0~3.4μGal和1.1~7.0μGal。结果表明,参与比测的绝对重力仪观测中误差均优于5.0μGal,性能稳定,仪器间不存在明显的系统偏差,满足中国大陆构造环境监测网络绝对重力测量的工程设计要求。
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The results of 4-time comparisons on absolute gravimeter measurements from Crustal Movement Observation Network of China(CMONOC)during 2010 and 2018 are introduced in this paper. The maximum systematic deviations of 4-time comparisons are 3.5μGal,1.7μGal,4.3μGal,3.8μGal(1μGal=10-8m/s2),and the difference between the gravimeters are 0~5.5μGal,0.3~3.2μGal,0~3.4μGal,1.1~7.0μGal,respectively. The results show that the errors of the absolute gravity measurements in the comparisons are superior to 5μGal. The absolute gravimeters are stable and there are no obvious systematic deviations among instruments,which satisfies the designed requirements of absolute gravity measurements of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China.