本文介绍了基于MongoDB的地震风险评估综合地情数据服务平台,以灵活的文档结构存储与查询为目标,使用Web Service技术,采用前后端分离的开发方式,给出了系统的总体设计以及关键技术和功能,实现了全国区县级地震风险评估综合地情数据更灵活地上传、编辑、查询等功能。通过建立全国统一的地震风险评估综合地情数据服务平台,对数据进行可视化展示,提高了全国综合地情数据的利用率和服务能力。
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This paper we introduced the integrated situation data service platform of earthquake risk assessment based on MongoDB. We take flexible document structure storage and query as the goal, use WebService technology and frontend-backend separation development mode, carry out the system design, key technology and function realization of the system. The system can upload, edit and query the integrated situation data. Through the establishment of a national unified integrated situation data service platform for earthquake risk assessment, multiple applications is realized, and service ability of national integrated situation data are improved.