公元1624年2月10日,即明代天启三年12月22日,在现今江苏省范围内发生了一次破坏性地震。在历次出版的地震目录中,扬州被确定为本次地震的震中,其主要依据为“扬州倒卸城垣三百八十余垛、城铺二十余处”的历史记述。《地震亘江南北疏》的发现为本次地震的研究提供了新的资料。本文分析已有资料的可靠性;选择相对可靠的历史资料划定Ⅵ度等烈度线;采用新划定的Ⅵ度等烈度线,按历史地震影响烈度的衰减关系确定本次地震的震级为6 1/4级;综合Ⅵ度等烈度线范围内的地震地质条件以及历史地震资料中人的感受、地表变形和各地地声方向记录,综合确定了震中位置大致在32.2°N、119.5°E,与1913年4月3日镇江5 1/2级地震(参考地名“江苏镇江”)震中相距不远。此外,本文还描述了本次地震的地震序列。
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On February 10,1624,or December 22 of the Tianqi Third year in Ming Dynasty,an earthquake occured in Jiangsu Province. Yangzhou had been identified as the epicenter of the earthquake in “Chinese earthquake catalogue “which was published in 1960,which was mainly based on the historical document as” More than 380 battlements and 20 barracks of city wall had collapsed in Yangzhou”. Recently,some scholars have conducted several research on the epicenter of the earthquake. Then an official report related the earthquake were found,which provides the new data for the study. After analyzing reliability of all data,the relatively reliable historical data are chosen. By comprehensive analyzing historic data,which include human feeling,the earth's surface deformation and the direction of earthquake sounds,etc.,the earthquake sequence is also summarized. Finally the epicenter is re-determined at 32.2°N,119.5°E,where is considered as the epicenter of M5 1/2 in April 3,1913 at “Zhenjiang,Jiangsu”,with the new magnitude M6 1/4.