震后第一时间获取震中的人口情况对于开展应急处置决策非常关键。获取海量移动互联网人口分布数据,采用分布式集群进行海量数据的实时处理和网格化,为确保震后系统能够达到秒级产出的效率,设计了多级的多策略抽稀计算并基于HeatMap实现可视化展示,震后实现秒级震中周边指定范围的热力人口数据计算和分布图的自动绘制。以泸定 MS6.8 地震为例进行应用,体现出基于海量移动互联网用户数据获取震中人口分布的优势。
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Obtaining the population data around the epicenter immediately after an earthquake is crucial for making emergency response decisions. In this paper we use distributed clusters for real-time processing and gridding of massive data to obtain massive mobile internet population distribution data,. In order to ensure that the system can achieve efficiency in second level output after the earthquake,a multi-level multi-strategy thinning calculation and HeatMap based visualization are designed. After the earthquake,the thermal population data calculation and distribution map of the designated range around earthquake epicenter in the time scale of second are automatically drawn,and the Luding MS6.8 earthquake is applied as an example case. Our results demonstrate the advantage of obtaining epicenter population distribution based on massive mobile internet user data.