我国地球物理监测站网主要由GNSS、定点形变、重力、地电、地磁、地下流体六大观测站网组成,由国家站、省级站和市县站构成基本监测单元。市县站观测手段多、站点数量庞大,是地球物理监测站网的重要组成部分。为摸清市县站监测资源底数、统筹利用市县监测数据,中国地震局历时2年完成了我国市县地震监测资源评估工作。基于此项工作,本文从观测环境、观测系统、数据质量和预报应用四个方面对我国市县地球物理监测资源进行简要分析,评估结果显示: 37.8%的测项评估为合格,可直接纳入国家地球物理数据库管理,47.9%的测项评估为基本合格,可纳入国家市县数据库管理,14.3%的测项评估为不合格,需要停测或者优化改造。针对评估结果,简要分析了市县监测运维工作存在的主要问题并提出具体可行的解决建议,为提升市县站监测质量提供参考。
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Local monitoring stations are a crucial component of China's geophysical monitoring network. To assess the number of local monitoring stations and optimize the use of monitoring data,the China Earthquake Administration conducted the first local monitoring resource assessment. This article briefly analyzes the monitoring resources of local stations,focusing on observation environment,observation system,data quality,and prediction application. The evaluation results indicate that 33.87% of the measurement items are qualified and can be directly included in the national database management. Additionally,50.93% of the measurement items are deemed basically qualified and can be incorporated into the national local database management. However,15.2% of the items are unqualified and require cessation of observation or modification. The article also analyzes the issues found in the basically qualified and unqualified measurement items and proposes specific feasible solutions to improve the quality of local monitoring.